Impact of Recreational Marijuana Legalization on Monterey Weed Industry

Monterey weed

With the legalization of Marijuana in California, Monterey County has also approved the Monterey weed business. Licensing is limited and the immediate reaction reveals a slow start.

The year 2018 has come with some exciting Monterey marijuana news for the Monterey weed industry.The State of California has officially legalized recreational marijuana and its sale. The impact of this decision might take time to be felt due to the framework for marijuana trade that details new regulations.

Starting Marijuana Business in California

To secure a license that allows you to open a recreational marijuana business i.e. from sales, retail, distribution, event coordination, lab facilities etcetera you must first receive authorization from the local jurisdiction. According to some local Monterey Cannabis news(Monterey County Weekly) out of the 94 cannabis retailers with operating permission by January 1st 2018, four of them operate from Monterey County.

Immediate impact

According to Monterey Marijuana News sources the county issued a decree allowing recreational Monterey weed. The decree came to effect on January 5th 2018. Most prospective marijuana businesses are yet to begin operations. The Monterey Bay marijuana spot from Del Rey oaks was the first Dispensary Monterey location to start marijuana sale. According to Monterey Cannabis news sources this shop started operations on Monday the 8th of January. A large number of customers were spotted lining up for Monterey weed.

The director of Monterey Bay Marijuana spot, Cecilia Stock, said she didn’t know what to expect from the new norm. She was not sure how many people would turn up. According to her Monterey people were to get an amazing experience. Monterey marijuana news sources suggest a slow but steady growth of marijuana business if the sentiments on Monterey weed business prospects from Cecilia Stock are anything to go by.

Robert Blodgett and Lonna are the owners of Monterey Bay Alternative Medicine (MBAM), the first shop to start selling recreational marijuana. According to the two owners they are quite optimistic on Marijuana business since California State expedited their application. According to Joe Szydlowsk, a reporter with The Californian, his Monterey marijuana news revealed that MBAM has permission to sell marijuana, recreational or otherwise.

Clients for recreational Monterey weed and patients as well have unrestricted access to Marijuana. According to Robert Blodgett the only difference with the two groups will be on the edibles. According to regulation the THC active ingredient in marijuana for edibles is restricted. Monterey marijuana news indicated that MBAM started official marijuana sale operations on 8th January even though the license was issued on 1st January 2018.

At this point in time it might be difficult to project the numbers that will come out to buy Monterey weed. Patients have received recommendations to visit MBAM. The owners of MBAM will also not allow customers to use marijuana while in the dispensary.


The Californian, Monterey cannabis news source, said on December 21st that most license applicants were likely to miss out. The spokesperson of the Bureau, Alex Traverso, was quick to indicate that it was unclear on the number of applicants who would receive licenses. The new licenses would last from 1 January 2018 to 1st May 2019. Licensing has been kept at a bare minimum to allow California State to formulate regulations that will govern the marijuana market.

The Bureau is the entity responsible for supervising all cannabis related activities apart from cannabis cultivation and testing labs. It is quite early to give a conclusive picture of the likely effect Monterey weed legalization will have on Monterey people. The marijuana industry is bullish and optimistic about the business. It is a wait and see situation.

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